I was in a lot of anxiety today. It's only 4 in the afternoon and I am already so tired and stressed out. I feel like a candle on it's last few flickers. Having only a few hours of sleep has been a major contibutor to my anxiety attacks today. Basically, it's really work that has drained me up. Had to confront a big quality issue that cropped up with our customer who is bent on charging us 3 million worth of damages. Only because of a stupid oversight, that could have been averted if common sense was put into play. As expected, they made a big deal out of it and compounded the issue to make it significant. However, the bottomline is, it was our product, we produced it, so we have to take responsibility for its integrity. So personally, that's where the anxiety comes in for me. Because of these events, I would have to report to Laguna for the rest of the week until things have settled down. That means I have to travel back and forth and that will take a toll in both myself and my car. It's a good thing Laguna is just a few hundred kilometers away from the plant.
I'm trying to look at it now in a different light. Look at the glass half full instead of half empty. I'll try to make it into an adventure just so I can ease out the anxiety even for just a bit. Then, who knows, I just might get that hang of it and even look forward to my travels to Laguna. Hope this turns out to be the adventure I am imagining it to be.
Wait a minute! Does "adventure" have to include sexual excapades? Hmmmmmm........... I think I'm going to enjoy this. Yahoo!