Saturday, November 25, 2006

Half Full

It was one hell of a work week for me this week! As mentioned in my previous post, I experienced a lot of anxiety these past few days because of work. Well, since my last post, it actually turned a lot worse. Work was hell, to the point that I was already saying to myself, this is not worth the salary I am paid for! I need more for all these bull I am getting. It was that bad!

But through it all, there was a point wherein I reached a threshold and said to myself, I can either wallow in the negativity of the situation......or be above it and just stay cool. Because in hindsight, will all of this matter 5 years from now? Heck, I don't think this will even have a significant memory in me by next year. After that ephiphany, the transition from being half empty to half full happened! And I started to have fun and excitement, just going through the motion of what needs to be done, no matter how stressfull it really was. In other words, at some point, i started to have fun! Cool............


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